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Ceremony of Launching Newly-built Submarine No.5595-5596 2024-07-12
First Combined Tactical Drill Simulating Nuclear Counterattack Conducted by 600mm Super-large Multiple Rocket Sub-units No.5593-5594 2024-07-12
Training Match between the Large Combined Tankmen’s Units of the Korean People’s Army No.5590-5592 2024-07-12
First Test Fire of Hwasongpho-16-Na, a New-type Intermediate-range Solid-fueled Ballistic Missile No.5587-5589 2024-07-12
Evaluation Test Fire of the Surface-to-sea Missile Padasuri-6 No.5585-5586 2024-07-12
First Test Fire of the New-type ICBM Hwasongpho-18 No.5582-8854 2024-07-12
112th Birthday of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung No.5578-5581 2024-06-12
Inauguration Ceremony of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers’ Party of Korea Held with Splendour No.5572-5577 2024-06-12
Inauguration Ceremony of Jonwi Street Held with Splendour No.5568-5571 2024-06-12
60th Anniv. of Start of Work of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il at the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea No.5565-5567 2024-06-12
10 000 Flats Built at the Second Stage in the Hwasong Area No.5560-5564 2024-05-28
Kangdong Greenhouse Complex No.5555-5559 2024-05-28
Start of Regional-industry Revolution Noteworthy in the History of the Comprehensive Development of Korean-style Socialism No.5552-5554 2024-05-23
Cover Plants No.5548-5551 2024-04-16
Poster No.5542-5547 2024-04-16
Stamp Exhibition of the 112th Birthday of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung 2024-04-10
Stamp Exhibition of the 82th Birthday of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il 17-10/2/2024 2024-02-10
82nd Birthday of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il No.5538-5541 2024-02-09
The Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK No.5531-5537 2024-02-01
65th Anniv. of Founding of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards No.5529-5530 2023-12-28
New Year Juche 113 (2024) No.5528 2023-12-28
DPRK’s Juche 113(2024) Stamp Issuing Programme 2023-12-28
Successful Launch of Reconnaissance Satellite No.5525-5527 2023-12-28
Military Parade Held in Celebration of the 70th Anniv. of Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War No.5519-5524 2023-10-26
Horse Riding No.5518 2023-10-25
制作(저작권) 中国朝鲜邮票研究会 (중국조선우펴연구회), 2007 - 2019 地址(주소): 中国 北京 중화인민공화국 베이징시 동성구 电话(TEL전화): +86 13811634015, E-mail(전자우편): dprkstamp@sina.com