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76th Anniv. of Founding of the DPRK Stamp Exhibition
2024-09-02 本站 标签:

President Kim Il Sung founded the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on September 9, Juche 37 (1948). With the founding of the DPRK, the Korean people became a digniffed people, who carve out their destiny independently as the genuine master of the state and society, and the country could enter the international arena in its terms as an independent and sovereign state. At present the DPRK is conducting an all-people struggle for opening up a new phase in socialist construction under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

制作(저작권) 中国朝鲜邮票研究会 (중국조선우펴연구회), 2007 - 2019 地址(주소): 中国 北京 중화인민공화국 베이징시 동성구 电话(TEL전화): +86 13811634015, E-mail(전자우편): dprkstamp@sina.com