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The Philatelists's Union of the DPRK
2019-07-09 本站 标签:

    The Philatelists's Union of the DPRK was organized on December 19, Juche 52 (1963) as an organization of the DPRK philatelists.

    The union joined the FIP on June 15, Juche 54 (1965) and the FIAP on March 8, Juche 99 (2010).

    It has been conducting various activities to contribute to colourful cultural and emotional life together with other philatelists' organizations around the world.

制作(저작권) 中国朝鲜邮票研究会 (중국조선우펴연구회), 2007 - 2019 地址(주소): 中国 北京 중화인민공화국 베이징시 동성구 电话(TEL전화): +86 13811634015, E-mail(전자우편): dprkstamp@sina.com