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Visit to Russian Federation Made by Superme Leader Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the WPK, Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and Superme Commander of the DPRK Armed Forces 7/6/2019
2019-06-07 本站 标签:


Date of Issue: June 7 Juche 108 (2019)

Stock No.: 5215C

Size: 54 X 32 mm

Denomination: 30 won

Designer: Choe Chol Man, Kim Hae Yong, Kim Won Myong

Quantity: 50000 (Per.), 2000 (Imperf.)

Price: $0.3 (Perf.), $0.6 (Imperf.)

2.Souvenir sheet

Stock No.: 5215D

Size: 76 X 84 mm, 51 X 39 mmStamp

Denomination: 100 won

Designer: Choe Chol Man, Kim Hae Yong, Kim Won Myong

Quantity: 50000 (Per.), 2000 (Imperf.)

Price: $1 (Perf.), $2 (Imperf.)


Size: 162 X 114 mm

Designer: U Jong Hyok

Quantity: 750

Price: $2.1 (Perf.), $3.4 (Imperf.)

制作(저작권) 中国朝鲜邮票研究会 (중국조선우펴연구회), 2007 - 2019 地址(주소): 中国 北京 중화인민공화국 베이징시 동성구 电话(TEL전화): +86 13811634015, E-mail(전자우편): dprkstamp@sina.com