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the President of DPR Korea Stamp Society of China Li Xin's visit to Korea on 10-13/4/2019
2019-04-26 本站 标签:
the President of DPR Korea Stamp Society of China Mr.Li Xin visited to DPR Korea and met the leaders of the State Stamp Bureau of the DPR Korea on 10-13 April 2019
制作(저작권) 中国朝鲜邮票研究会 (중국조선우펴연구회), 2007 - 2019 地址(주소): 中国 北京 중화인민공화국 베이징시 동성구 电话(TEL전화): +86 13811634015, E-mail(전자우편): dprkstamp@sina.com